Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Saturday, January 31, 2015


T - 18 days

We have bus tickets. Boston. February 18th. 10 am. See you there. Well, probably not, hopefully I'll see you before. 

I'm at Brown for the weekend, if any of you follow the blog real-time. I'll be home Monday.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Write, A Blog

Ok. So our dreams of a glamorous train voyage to Gainesville have been thwarted by Amtrak's incredible efforts to make sure no-one ever rides trains. We were looking at trains from Providence to Georgia, but they wouldn't give us a student discount unless we bought their $20 Student Advantage card. Yeah, spend $20 on a card to save $17 on the ticket. Really helpful for a student on a student's budget, huh?

I called an asked if they had a real student discount. Nope, just trying to sell their cards. I told the poor call center person this is why people fly instead and hung up. Seriously. It would be $180 a person to sit on their freaking trains for a day and a half. Which really stinks because I was kind of getting my heart set on the class and style of a train. Guess you get what you pay for.

Anyways, they inspired us to look at other things, like Greyhound. Those great folks over there at the all-American bus line are able to hook the three of us up with tickets for about the cost of one train ticket. Sure, a bus won't be as comfortable or exciting at a train, but how can we complain with the pricetag. We're going to wait until the morning to make sure its cool with the folks to drive into Boston early in the morning of the 18th, but with all that in place we should be able to get to GA by noon Thursday and for only about $60 a head. Worrrd. :)

I need to stop saying anyways. But anyways, that's the plan we're looking at now. 1 day, 3 hours, and 40 minutes or so on a handsome, stylish, totally not a train like bus. Its almost as though Greyhound seeks to transport people around the country while the folks at Amtrak don't want any plebes joining their country club. Maybe not the most comfortable way to travel  but hey, we have 6 months to stretch our legs. Tomorrow we'll choose whether we leave at 1 am or 8 am, buy the tickets, and move on to the next hurdle.

P.S. If Julie, the Amtrak of a virtual assistant, is reading this blog... We've moved on. Gracie, the lovely and talented Greyhound virtual assistant, is wayyy better. Brett has serious crush on her.  ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Right, A Blog

Ok Mike. New Rule. You can only tell people about the blog as much as you write in it. I mean, when people ask about the trip I almost always tell them I'll be keeping a blog so they can follow along from the comfort of their own homes, but then they must get here and be very disappointed at only a couple of posts and from months ago. Time to change that.

Lot's has changed since we last spoke. Well. Not much has changed since we last spoke. I finished school, celebrated Christmas with the family, went out to Colorado with a friend, and am now back on Cape Cod for the last month. For Christmas I got a bunch of new gear which I'll tell you about in detail in a gear list post.

A couple of nights ago Brett, Sam, and I went out into the woods and spent a cold, New England January evening in a tent to do a first cold weather "Shake Down" of our gear. We went out into the woods of Mashpee, pitched a tent, built a fire, and chilled around while some snow made the scene perfectly picturesque. It was a good test. The night time low that night was around 28. This is warm for Cape Cod in January, but hopefully not too far off what we can expect in Georgia in February. I managed to make the night outside with leggings and hiking shorts on, and just an undershirt and medium jacket on top, plus a hat and gater. All three of us slept on matching Thermarest Z-Lite pads with our mummy bags. I had brought a fleece liner just in case, but managed the night just fine in only my Marmot Neverwinter 30. That morning we walked out of the woods and made a breakfast which couldn't be beat. I feel pretty set with my kit in that regard. I can't imagine February in Georgia will be markedly more cold than a New England now in a snow storm. When I start to put a final kit together we'll see if my weight can afford another layer.
The Scene of the Crime

The next big update as of present is that we are looking into train tickets. Sometime in the week after Valentine's day we will ride the Amtrak from Providence to Gainesville. From there there is allegedly a shuttle man that will take us to Amicacola Falls State Park where we will set out. I think I might call him this afternoon to figure out how he operates. Our first day on the trail could be an interesting one, depending on how the train works out. Hopefully we'll buy the train tickets in the next couple of days (I've been saying that for a couple of days now).

Anyways, there is probably more I could say but I think I'l save it for another update so I won't have to go another month. I'll be sure to post when we purchase the train tickets. Till then I can just say for sure, less than 1 month to go! Until next time, y'all.