Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Friday, February 20, 2015

Breakfast !

Hi faithful followers. We got in late last night in the bitter cold of a Georgian winter. Shea was kind enough to welcome us weary travelers into her abode, where we have slept and regained our strength. Unfortunately, we slept too long to make it out today, as our host/ chauffeur has to work this afternoon. Looks like we'll be napping around her place all afternoon with the intention to go out tomorrow. There seems to be weather coming in Saturday night, but we're hoping by that time we will be at a shelter, safely huddled away.

Anyways, thats our show for tonight. Remember to tune in next week; Same time same place!

P.s. I do have a coat reddit. Gosh. And remember, photos at the imgur site.

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