Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Hi all

Just got a restaurant breakfast at the Nantahala outdoor center. 3 days ago we left Franklin on a 12 miler which took u an to the Wayan bald fire tower. We spent the night at the top of a tower on top of a 5,200 ft mountain. It was windy and kind of terrifying and we slept through the sunset but I guess it was a valuable experience or something. Then we absolutely killed it yesterday with a 16 mile day which took us to A. Rufus Morgan shelter just before the NOC. Today we're planning to climb 3,000 ft out of here to sassafras gap where we'll spend the night. We're hoping to make Fontana dam in the next 3 days. We've had a nice streak of weather which we hope to continue, but I think I heard about rain in the coming days.

That's it for now. I lost my charge cable so this will be my last contact before I find that one. I might be able to do that today though in Nantahala... You'll just have to stick around to find out

1 comment:

  1. Saw a photo of that rock fire tower. It looked pretty neat; well, at least to climb up but maybe not to sleep in! Hoping you found that charge cable. We'll be looking forward to hearing more before you head up into the Smokies! <3
