Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Standing Bear Farm

Hi team

We're at the standing bear hostel about to leave bound for hotsprings NC. We've had a great night and made good time through the smokeys but unfortunately the service here is spotty so I can't post pics. Also the charger I bought doesn't do the whole charging thing too well so I need to sort that out again when we get to hot springs. Let's hope for WiFi.

Anyways, know we all good. The smokeys are behind us and we have less than 2,000 miles to go (yay). The weather is looking up for the next few days and hopefully we can keep out mileages high.

Plenty of stories from the smokeys and this hostel to come. We've made two new friends snowshoes and Wolf. And pics. Such pics!

Till then,

Captain tying knots

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