Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Friday, March 27, 2015

Roan Mountain


I'm not sleeping well tonight so you get a blog update (yayyy).

We left ceecee's wonderful Greasy Creek Friendly two days ago a booked it over Roan Mountain to Stan Murray shelter. We were originally hoping for overmountain shelter but 20 miles just wasn't in the cards for a team half still recovering from food poisoning (poor frodo and snowshoes). By the time we got to Stan Murray it was nearing dark and it simply wasn't worth moving on. We woke up this morning to a dusting of snow and frost. Our whole morning was spent crossing high balds with wind speeds higher than the temperature. It felt bad ass and cold and also very cold. The extreme conditions are kinda fun in a "keep moving or you die"  sorta way (in reality it's more of a " keep moving or you really get a chill"  type deal but you get the point). I got some good pictures of the whole ordeal so it was worth it.

Tofay we managed an 11 mile descent to TN 19E where we hoped to in ans out to stealth camp on the trail. We walked about 2.5 into town without a hitch until we came across Jo-Ann. She took us to the grocery and then offered us a bed for the night. It is cold tonight so we took her up on it. She got us some nice southern barbecue, we got a shower, and she even let us use the washer and dryer. We are super duper grateful for her hospitality.

Tomorrow we are shooting again for high miles. We're hoping to manage 25 or so to a hostel just outside of Hampton TN.

Oh, and we're done with NC. Go us!

Anyways. Goodnight. Damascus by Wednesday, maybe even Tuesday.

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