Amicacola Falls State Park

Amicacola Falls State Park

Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Today we're on Saddleback mountain, pushing our way north into Maine. By the end of the day today well have less the two hundred to go. We've had good weather, and despite being rugged and challenging maine continues to be some of the best hiking on the trail.

We are getting to the point that the end is in sight. We've planned a mail drop for Monson before the hundred mile wilderness and are looking at submitting katahdin in 12 days.

See you all then

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June, New Hampshire, Family

Hi guys,

First of all, I'd like to make a huge shout out to the 249 of you that viewed this blog in the past month, despite there being no fresh content for the past 29 days. This sort of support inspires me to write a post, even after almost a full month of radio silence. Also a shoutout to Johnny for calling me out on not writing a post and inspiring me to write this one. Lastly, shout out to the fam for coming to visit these past couple of days, and to all the Safety Committee family members who have supported us in the past month.

We've had a pretty crazy time in the past 29 days. We finished Connecticut, where Gary and Johnny gave us an excellent evening of trail magic. We climbed bear mountain and Mt. Everette into Massachusetts in good weather. In MA we met Brett's family for some more support. Shout out Grandma Anne and Aunt Suzanne for putting us up, cleaning us up, and for Teo's franks in Pittsfield. In North Adams Mass we met Michaela and Anthony who hooked us up with some of that Mario Kart 8, Netflix, and an impromtu tour of MCLA. OH, and they even were able to swing us a ride home too (and a shoutout to Ian for the ride back out west)! Michaela was headed home for her dad's retirement on the exact day we happened to show up; and a friend headed from the exact town we were in in western mass, to exactly the town we were headed too on cape, and back to western mass exactly the same day was to good to pass up. We zooped home with her, met all three families (and the rest of the camper crew) and left back for the trail in less than 24 hours. Shout out to all involved there!

And then we entered Vermont (or Ver-mud). The trail was muddy, but we persevered. We got a lot of KFC in Bennington and met the Depolo's near Rutland. (shout out to them, the dogs, and moby). That took us to Hanover (which is New Hampshire). In Hanover we met up with Showshoes (now keytar or man cannon) and the pub club whom we associated with for a short while. We met Lexi and Kelly who put us up on their floor in their apartment, and saw Savannah, a friend from home. From Hanover we have hiked towards the whites, and in the past couple of days into the whites. We climbed Moosilauke in strong winds (video coming up on Youtube) and descended into Kinsman Notch, We hitched into North Woodstock where we met the Demanches (or my parents, its me writing) and have been with them since, I'm writing this on my moms laptop right now! So Cool!

Now we move forward, and away from the cluster of support that has coaxed us through the first half of New England. By the end of independence day we will have climbed Washington, and all familiar trail will be behind us. We move towards the brutal and awesome hills of southern Maine, the vastness of the 100 mile wilderness, and the finality on Katahdin. It seems so close, yet still 375 miles over the course of another month of backpacking through some of the most rugged terrain yet. From here we hike away from home. We're stoked.

Anyways. Ttfn. I'm hoping the redditors on the trail post hasnt forgotten us ( I'm hoping you all havent forgotten us either. I swear its nothing personal, writing this blog just has the worst habit of getting away from me (us, but really just me), Maybe all the attention we've been getting face to face has had too much effect and the solitude that looms approaching will inspire us (me) to write more. MAybe the next post will be from Baxter SP and that we've completed it all. Who knows.

Here's a video of what its like to cross over the half mile bald summit of mt moosilauke in 70-80 mph wind gusts

heres a video of frodo and hozzle jumping into the white river

aaaaaaand thats most of it. Like I've always said, I'll try to write more in the future. I can assure you all we are getting as much out of the whole entire experience as we can. More than I could ever express in a blog. More than I or we will ever be able to explain. Probably more than we will ever understand. Still, I'll try to go less than 29 days this time, even if its just a location.


Cap't Tying Knots

Wednesday, June 3, 2015



We're in Connecticut as of last night. Today we're making way to Kent to resupply. Then just a couple days to Massachusetts where hozzle claims to have family or something. Sweeeeeeeeet.

It's not raining anymore, which is cool.

See you all later.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

NJ Border

Hi guys,

This morning we expect to finish New Jersey and begin to take on the great state on New York. Apparently there is a spot today that we can see the NYC skyline which sounds cool. It's very humid and buggy. I miss the biting cold.

Anyways, my mom said I should try to do more blog posts even if they're shorter so this is one of those. Sam is terribly slow at getting ready in the morning so I'm just taking advantage of that to send this out. Uhhhh I think that about covers it. Oh, and  totally stoked to see the folks in a couple days.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Delaware water gap


This morning we're in Delaware Water Gap which is right on the border of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We spent the night at the Presbyterian Church of the Mountain Hostel and ate pizza. We're glad to be done with Pennsylvania. The state has been moderately rocky, exceptionally flat, and generally boring. We're looking forward to getting on to new England where we can start looking for actual mountains to climb.

It was really nice to see Matt this past week. I was really glad to have my brother around for a couple of nights. Thanks so much for the hotel, food, ride to Walmart, and slack packing. We're also super excited that the folks might be coming down in the next week.

Asides family visits we have been working hard to save money on this trip. Since it has gotten warm and we have checked our bank accounts we have been much more thrifty in our style of hiking. We've avoided all hotels, and most hostels. Since early Virginia we have spent almost no money on anything but food. It's a neat challenge to try to stretch out our money after we blew most of it in the first couple months. We are out here after all to live on the wilderness, bathing in rivers and sleeping in tents is a big part of that.

The rocks have just about destroyed my shoes. Both Cascadias have big holes on either side of the toe box. The tread is holding up though, I bet they have a couple hundred miles left in them. Especially so if we make it out of the rocks and on to easier trail. My jetboil has also failed. I've been using my partners' stoves in the meanwhile while I try to sort things out with  JB.

Aaaaand I think that's most of it. Oh,  yesterday was our the month anniversary,so that's neat. We're faster, leaner, and way more low budget than when we started, but it almost feels like we're getting close. Less than 900 to go.


Captain Tying Knots

Monday, April 27, 2015

Waynesboro (totally forgot about the blog, woops)

Listen to Wayesboro at Virginia by Mike Demanche #np on #SoundCloud

Monday, April 6, 2015


Listen to Marion at Virginia by Mike Demanche #np on #SoundCloud

And pony pics

From Damascus

Listen to Damascus at Virginia by Mike Demanche #np on #SoundCloud

Friday, March 27, 2015

Roan Mountain


I'm not sleeping well tonight so you get a blog update (yayyy).

We left ceecee's wonderful Greasy Creek Friendly two days ago a booked it over Roan Mountain to Stan Murray shelter. We were originally hoping for overmountain shelter but 20 miles just wasn't in the cards for a team half still recovering from food poisoning (poor frodo and snowshoes). By the time we got to Stan Murray it was nearing dark and it simply wasn't worth moving on. We woke up this morning to a dusting of snow and frost. Our whole morning was spent crossing high balds with wind speeds higher than the temperature. It felt bad ass and cold and also very cold. The extreme conditions are kinda fun in a "keep moving or you die"  sorta way (in reality it's more of a " keep moving or you really get a chill"  type deal but you get the point). I got some good pictures of the whole ordeal so it was worth it.

Tofay we managed an 11 mile descent to TN 19E where we hoped to in ans out to stealth camp on the trail. We walked about 2.5 into town without a hitch until we came across Jo-Ann. She took us to the grocery and then offered us a bed for the night. It is cold tonight so we took her up on it. She got us some nice southern barbecue, we got a shower, and she even let us use the washer and dryer. We are super duper grateful for her hospitality.

Tomorrow we are shooting again for high miles. We're hoping to manage 25 or so to a hostel just outside of Hampton TN.

Oh, and we're done with NC. Go us!

Anyways. Goodnight. Damascus by Wednesday, maybe even Tuesday.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Audio Blog

I'm trying to spend less time typing on my phone, and to let Hozzle and Frodo contribute, so here's a group-recorded audio blog post. While you're there check out the Ableton projects I did for school last semester.


Cap't Tying Knots

Standing Bear Farm

Hi team

We're at the standing bear hostel about to leave bound for hotsprings NC. We've had a great night and made good time through the smokeys but unfortunately the service here is spotty so I can't post pics. Also the charger I bought doesn't do the whole charging thing too well so I need to sort that out again when we get to hot springs. Let's hope for WiFi.

Anyways, know we all good. The smokeys are behind us and we have less than 2,000 miles to go (yay). The weather is looking up for the next few days and hopefully we can keep out mileages high.

Plenty of stories from the smokeys and this hostel to come. We've made two new friends snowshoes and Wolf. And pics. Such pics!

Till then,

Captain tying knots

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fontana Hilton

Greetings from the laundry room of the Fontana Lodge laundry room.

The past couple of days have brought us to the souther edge of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. We've lucked out on rain and made good time getting here.

Leaving the NoC we went straight up about 3,000 vertical feet over 6 miles to sassafras gap shelter. We met flash again, and a couple dudes hiking together  who call themselves Mary and Pippin. The weather was warm and sunny that day. Only bad thing asides the vertical gainz was at a lunch break my peanut butter fell down a cliff. Sam well documented the recovery effort.

The next day (Mar. 9) we did 15.2 to get to the cable gap shelter. Mary and Pippin were there again. We managed to time our hiking perfectly in that we left after the morning drizzle and got in before the evening rains. It's been nice that it only rains at night really, though that luck will surely runout in the smokeys.

From cable gap it was only 7 to the Fontana dam shelter where we'll stay tonight. We got the sketchiest hitch yet into the resort where we were looking to resupply, eat, and launder. The only real resteraunt in town is a hotel. Luckily the three of us were the only folks looking to eat on a Tuesday afternoon so they actually let three smelly hikers eat. They even gave us a free chicken pot pie to take back to the shelter which is like, probably the highlight of the week.

Anyways. I have a short time on WiFi while the wash works and then it's back to the shelter. No service there so I guess we'll chat next when we're through the smokeys. I'll try to get pics up before then.

Oh, and I got a charge cable at a gas station. All good.


Sunday, March 8, 2015


Hi all

Just got a restaurant breakfast at the Nantahala outdoor center. 3 days ago we left Franklin on a 12 miler which took u an to the Wayan bald fire tower. We spent the night at the top of a tower on top of a 5,200 ft mountain. It was windy and kind of terrifying and we slept through the sunset but I guess it was a valuable experience or something. Then we absolutely killed it yesterday with a 16 mile day which took us to A. Rufus Morgan shelter just before the NOC. Today we're planning to climb 3,000 ft out of here to sassafras gap where we'll spend the night. We're hoping to make Fontana dam in the next 3 days. We've had a nice streak of weather which we hope to continue, but I think I heard about rain in the coming days.

That's it for now. I lost my charge cable so this will be my last contact before I find that one. I might be able to do that today though in Nantahala... You'll just have to stick around to find out

Friday, March 6, 2015


EDIT: I wrote this 3 days ago but the hotel WiFi failed to publish it. Working on a new post atm

Franklin. Yesterday we hiked out from Rock Gap to Winding Stair Gap. We got there through driving rain that saturated everything, but it makes it a great day to go into town. We were an hour or so early for our shuttle so we huddled under a tree while Frodo stood in the rain for a hitch. A car stopped and Andrea welcomed us to her Kia Rio.

We've been travelling with a section hiker named Bingo. He's a veteran in his twenty's who has been attacking the trail in sections when he has time. Today he'll be doing half a day with us before returning home to figure out law school plans. We wish him the best and thank him for everything

Today we are trying to print our permits to hike the smokeys before breakfast and a shuttle out to the trail. Our goal is about 12 miles today, and then to make it to the Nantahala Outdoor Center by Monday morning for a resupply. Fingers crossed on a good forecast.

Ttfn, working on uploading pics.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Greetings from beautiful North Carolina

That's right. Yesterday we made the border of North Carolina. Sorry for the Radio silence these past couple of days, I've turned the phone on every night but this is the first time I've gotten service. It's not even that good right here, hopefully this goes through.

We managed a hitch out of Helen from Henry who played disc golf and listened to phish. We got out around noon and wound up making good miles. The afternoon was pretty sunny and warm and we had nice views all afternoon. A perk of winter trekking is that the leaves don't obstruct our views on the high ridges. We spent the night 13 miles north of Unicoi gap at deep gap shelter. This was the first night we spent alone so far. The shelter had lofts but it was cold so we set up the tent inside.

On Sunday we had a shorter day. We did 8 miles to plum orchard gap shelter where we met milkman and Josh. It was raining that day, which was alright because it meant the snow and ice were melting away. Since then the trail has been almost entirely clear. 

Monday we got a late start but still banged out 12 miles to get to standing Indian shelter. This was probably the best day of hiking we've had overall just because it was sunny and warm. We met flash, who is only 17 and hiking as a gap year. It's weird not being the youngest ones out. North Carolina shelters don't have the nice bear cables that Georgia ones do,  so we had to rig a beat bag. Brett and I did some great engineering and when you see the pictures you'll be proud.

Today we got another late start. They're kinda becoming our thing now and we're trying to change that. Our options were a shelter at 8 and one at 16 with a big mountain in between. I'm writing fairly early in the afternoon from the 8 mile option. It's warm but raining so I think we made the right call.

We're hoping to make Franklin, NC by Thursday where we'll get another hotel stay and supplies through Fontana dam.

Good to be warm, finally.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Come Hell or Hiawassee (or Helen)

EDIT: I meant to post this yesterday morning (Sat. Feb 28),but it didn't go through so I'm trying today.

Aww Helen Georgia.  Or alpine Helen,  as they seem to call it.  Or alpine heaven, as it feels. Today we descended about a thousand feet down Blue Mountain to Unicoi gap. We were hoping to catch a hitch or shuttle into Hiawassee for a night in a hotel. The guidebook said Hiawassee was to the left, but a car parked at the gap full of GPS wielding tourists assured us it was the other way. So we started down the road with the hitch thumb up and a truck pulled over for us pretty quickly.  We asked if he was going to Hiawassee and he said that Hiawassee was the other way.  So I asked if he was going to Helen, and then decided we should just go to Helen. We climbed in the back of his pick up and rode about 9 miles into town. Now we're in Helen sharing a bed at the Helendorf Inn,  which is especially lovely at $50 for the night.

We met a cool veteran and veteran through hiker named Josh down at the local bar/ pizza place who gave us some good advice for the trail, and his number if we need an emergency contact. He had some great life advice too, including the gem,  "I would have been a cowboy if I could find a horse big enough for my ass. Then I did, but she was divorce-able". The pizza was good.  They didn't serve us beer.

Helen is gorgeous. The town is modelled after a Bavarian village. There is a quaint town square and music and ample trash receptacles. Very nice for one day, but I wouldn't want to live here. Tomorrow when we're pried from our hotel room we will ascend Tray mountain, assuming we get a good hitch to the gap.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blood Mountain - >Blue Mountain


Tonight were in Blood Mountain shelter, approximately 50 miles from Springer Mountain. We've been out 6 days now and on the the AT for 5, putting us at 10 miles a day. This is right where we should be mileage wise considering the conditions and the fact that we're new at this. We've gotten ahead of most of the crowd we were with earlier, but they'll probably catchup when we get off to resupply.

It's cold. We got about 6 inches of snow last night on top of 3 already on the ground. You'll think it's new England when you see the pictures. The boots are covered in snow, which will melt and saturate the boots so that by morning they will be blocks of ice. I have one more pair of socks that aren't saturated in ice water. It's cold too. Last night and maybe tonight too we sleep in the tent in the shelter to stay warm. If we bring the boots into the tent maybe they won't freeze. Hopefully this cold snap will break in the next couple of days or a week or so.  I mean,  it's Georgia.

It's also very foggy.  We have only gotten what you might call "a view" twice. Both were photographed and will be in the upcoming imgur album. Today we strode into a sunny spot for about a half an hour. It was nice.  Then we turned around the mountain spur and it was a w foggy winter hell again. Georgia,  come on.

Anyways, we're 2.5 miles or so from Unicoi gap where we'll head into Hiawassee for a re-up. We're trying to spend the night in a hotel. Sanitary toilets, showers, laundry, groceries. Aight Aight.

And Internet access. I'll post the imgur album when we get there

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 3


I'm writing at 5am on Feb. 23, though I don't have service so it may be a while before this is actually posted. When the sun rises in about an hour we will be starting our third day on the trail. Our first day was spent climbing Amicalola falls, and then hiking to about 1.5 miles short of Springer. Yesterday we made it about 10 miles to Hawk Mountain shelter, where we spent the night.

We are not alone. Five people left before us on the 21st, and 59 have left before us as of the whole year.  We're sharing this shelter with about 10 others.  It's the most full we've certainly ever seen a shelter, and it sounds like quite the exotic variety of snores.

The weather is quite good for hiking. It is cool enough that we don't sweat a ton while walking but not enough to be really cold. We've managed both nights with out  tents and just my bag has been plenty. There is a bit of ice though.  Day one the hazard was in the trees. As it melted large chunks would fall and occasionally hit us in the head.  Yesterday the hazard was on the ground.  As the snow on the trail was walked on it had become compacted into a sheet of ice. I don't think tonight spent much time below freezing though so hopefully that should be cleared up.  Who knows what today's challenge will be.

Well that's that. I'll post this as soon as I expect to have service,  as well as another 30 or so pictures.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Breakfast !

Hi faithful followers. We got in late last night in the bitter cold of a Georgian winter. Shea was kind enough to welcome us weary travelers into her abode, where we have slept and regained our strength. Unfortunately, we slept too long to make it out today, as our host/ chauffeur has to work this afternoon. Looks like we'll be napping around her place all afternoon with the intention to go out tomorrow. There seems to be weather coming in Saturday night, but we're hoping by that time we will be at a shelter, safely huddled away.

Anyways, thats our show for tonight. Remember to tune in next week; Same time same place!

P.s. I do have a coat reddit. Gosh. And remember, photos at the imgur site.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In Transit 1

9:40 PM. New York port authority bus terminal.  Departing for Richmond. We should get in by 6:30 am after one stop at 4. 

Today started out great. We all made it out of bed on time and hit the road with plenty of time to make it. We hit traffic but were able to avoid sitting in it by working the back roads. We made it to the station with enough time to print out our 24 separate tickets and got on the bus at 10. Unfortunately we hit some traffic coming  into NYC and missed our 40 minute connection.  Alright.  

The next available route was a 9:30 departur,  which I guess is fine... I don't see the other option. We found food in Times Square,  took a picture with some people who asked for money (but they were wearing costumes so it's cool), and then back packed South down 4th Ave until we got cold and took the subway back to port authority.  We still had hours to kill so we ate a pizza,  played hearts, and listened to the sweet classical play list that port authority rocks. It was pretty cool I guess.  But now it's almost 10 and we still have 24 bus hours to go,  so we'll have to see.  Oh,  and a male prostitute attempted to solicit Sam,  and Brett and I experienced a pretty good solicitation of cash so we can cross that ff the bucket list. 

So that's it.  We're all good - a little late but whatever, man.  Ttyl 

Mike <3

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Gear List


Lets talk gear.
 This is it. Well, not including food but this is it. Starting from the middle cushion we've got:
  • Exoficio Underwear (2pairs) - This stuff is supposed to be great (I'll let you know how it really does in a few days). It is stretchy, moisture wicking, and antimicrobial so it shouldn't smell all that bad even after a few days
  • Darn Tough Socks (3pairs) - Good Wool socks. Made in USA. Lifetime warrantee. Works for this guy.
  •  Short sleeve wicking shirts (2) - For walking during the day. I could probably get by with one while its cold, but it might save a maildrop down the road, and they don't weigh much
  • Long Sleeve thermal shirt - For camp and really cold days. 
  • USB Charger - 3 usb cables and a multi-charger. Each plug has 2.3 amps available, so hopefully I can charge all of my devices quickly when we're in a good place.

    Right cushion
  • Frogg Toggs rain gear. Top and pants. Good, lightweight rain gear which is only $20 in WalMart
  • Marmot NeverWinter 30 degree bag
  • Thermarest z-lite pad

    On the floor
  • Eureka Apex 2xt tent. Its missing the rainfly right now because Carl MacDonald Jr. is irresponsible. Seriously man, I'm pissed. We're going to search his house today to try to get it, if not we'll use Sam's tent, which is similar. 
  • Crocs - Camp shoes
  • Trekking poles - with duct tape attached.
  • 3 L smart water bottles - These fit on my filter so they make for great containers. $1 a piece at Wally World and they don't weigh anything empty.
  • Osprey Atmos 65L pack - Mmmmm so comfy
  • The Yellow bag is a dry bag by Sea to Summit - Its my conveniences kit
  • 200 Acetaminophen capsules - hopefully worth the weight
  • AWOLs 2014 NOBO Guide. Might come in handy.
  • Moleskin journal and pencil. For poetry, sketching, and drafting blog posts
  • Playing cards - for hearts.
  • The ziplock is my toiletries. 2 oz of Dr. Bronners 18 in 1 soap. Toothbrush and travel paste, TP.
  • The pill bottle contains doxycycline - an antibiotic which we can use as against lyme disease.
  • Squirt Juice stuff. To make water a bit tastier 
  • 4 Blistex sticks. I always lose these and chapped lips ruin my day. I'll be tucking these everywhere in my kit.
  • Crazy Glue - First aid and gear repairs.
  • Aquamira - for if the filter freezes
  • Sawyer Squeeze water filter - fits on the Smart Water bottles and only costs $25. Best filter on the market.
  • Orange dry-bag has an extra USB battery, 2 AAA batteries, a bic, and will carry my phone to keep it safe.
  • Headlamp
  • Retainer case
  • Cold Weather clothing - gloves, neck warmer, hat, 
  • The red bag at my feet has the...
I'm not going to go over all this, but lets just say its all "Just add water!".
6 days worth of food (hopefully) only cost about $70. Right on target, and should definitely get us through Suches. I'll tell you more interesting things about food once the thru-hiker appetite settles in and we get practiced. 
Anyways, Off to harass Carl about that rainfly.

23 Hours


Last night everyone got together to be merry at the Shire. We ate and drank and sang songs and danced and it was lovely. I uploaded some pics of the evening to imgur. My link there is . I think I may have told some people the wrong thing earlier, so thats the right one. Here is a hyperlink to it. Bookmark that or refer to this post or whatever, because imgur is a lot easier for me to upload too, especially when we're out there. If I want to actually post photos to the blog I need to do them one at a time, and hopefully I'll be taking enough that I won't have time to upload them one at a time. Photos will hopefully be a big priority out there on the trail. Writing out text posts will require either lots of time typing on my phone, which is exhausting to my thumbs and the battery, or by sitting at a computer in town. I'd much rather let you know whatever I can through the visual communication that is a photo. Plus like, its worth a thousand word each, so, what a deal.

Right now I'm cleaning my room, drinking coffee, and frantically trying to remember what it is I need to do. The whole like, "make sure all your affairs for the next 6 months are in order" thing is terrifying. I take solace in the fact that I'll have my phone if when I realize I forgot something big, and I will of course be "out of service" if any bad news is trying to find me.

So that's that for now. I guess I might write a post on the bus or something if I get the chance. Photos to follow. Another blog post this afternoon with the gear list.

Oh, and Mr. Holmquist says the blog is bland. Obviously he is not satisfied with my clever prose and colloquial tone. If anyone knows how to like, make the blog better, comment on it.

Friday, February 6, 2015

T - 12 (Re: Weather and Photos)

Hot dog! We are getting close. Spooky close. Almost close to the point that I will be posting my gear list. Close as like, two things right next to each other close. Close to the 10 day forecast close.

Right now takes us right up to the week of. Sunday the 15th looks to be highs around 50 with a night time low just below freezing. That's great news. Plus only 1 day of precipitation between now and then. Much better than the 7 degrees Cape Cod got last night, Surely there will be some variability during the next 3 cold months but hey, looks like we picked an OK week to start.

Yesterday Brett and I made it out to the woods to do a little day hiking around Barnstable. The snow was pretty deep and drifts and that dumb crusty stuff on top. Half of your steps you stay on top but then half the time you fall through to about your knee, which kinda sucks to walk through. It was about 25 degrees, way colder than we expect in Georgia. We carried packs just to feel cool and spent a couple hours before sunset, then went back to our warm homes and ate food cooked for us.


THANKS JULIA FOR THE CAMERA!!!!! (This picture wasn't taken on it though).

I asked for a good waterproof camera for Christmas and Julia hooked me up with this sweet Fujifilm one which should capture some images which will soon grace the blog. The thing can connect to my phone wirelessly so that I can upload without needing a computer, and hopefully then I can upload more frequently. Prepare yourself for it's 14 megapixels of glory.

I'm going to host the pics on Imgur cuz its what I'm used to. They'll be under my profile which is here. The rest of the pics associated with that beaut above can be found in this here thing.

Anyways, ttfn. Hanging with Sam as I type. Maybe even as you read it. He says hi.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


T - 18 days

We have bus tickets. Boston. February 18th. 10 am. See you there. Well, probably not, hopefully I'll see you before. 

I'm at Brown for the weekend, if any of you follow the blog real-time. I'll be home Monday.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Write, A Blog

Ok. So our dreams of a glamorous train voyage to Gainesville have been thwarted by Amtrak's incredible efforts to make sure no-one ever rides trains. We were looking at trains from Providence to Georgia, but they wouldn't give us a student discount unless we bought their $20 Student Advantage card. Yeah, spend $20 on a card to save $17 on the ticket. Really helpful for a student on a student's budget, huh?

I called an asked if they had a real student discount. Nope, just trying to sell their cards. I told the poor call center person this is why people fly instead and hung up. Seriously. It would be $180 a person to sit on their freaking trains for a day and a half. Which really stinks because I was kind of getting my heart set on the class and style of a train. Guess you get what you pay for.

Anyways, they inspired us to look at other things, like Greyhound. Those great folks over there at the all-American bus line are able to hook the three of us up with tickets for about the cost of one train ticket. Sure, a bus won't be as comfortable or exciting at a train, but how can we complain with the pricetag. We're going to wait until the morning to make sure its cool with the folks to drive into Boston early in the morning of the 18th, but with all that in place we should be able to get to GA by noon Thursday and for only about $60 a head. Worrrd. :)

I need to stop saying anyways. But anyways, that's the plan we're looking at now. 1 day, 3 hours, and 40 minutes or so on a handsome, stylish, totally not a train like bus. Its almost as though Greyhound seeks to transport people around the country while the folks at Amtrak don't want any plebes joining their country club. Maybe not the most comfortable way to travel  but hey, we have 6 months to stretch our legs. Tomorrow we'll choose whether we leave at 1 am or 8 am, buy the tickets, and move on to the next hurdle.

P.S. If Julie, the Amtrak of a virtual assistant, is reading this blog... We've moved on. Gracie, the lovely and talented Greyhound virtual assistant, is wayyy better. Brett has serious crush on her.  ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Right, A Blog

Ok Mike. New Rule. You can only tell people about the blog as much as you write in it. I mean, when people ask about the trip I almost always tell them I'll be keeping a blog so they can follow along from the comfort of their own homes, but then they must get here and be very disappointed at only a couple of posts and from months ago. Time to change that.

Lot's has changed since we last spoke. Well. Not much has changed since we last spoke. I finished school, celebrated Christmas with the family, went out to Colorado with a friend, and am now back on Cape Cod for the last month. For Christmas I got a bunch of new gear which I'll tell you about in detail in a gear list post.

A couple of nights ago Brett, Sam, and I went out into the woods and spent a cold, New England January evening in a tent to do a first cold weather "Shake Down" of our gear. We went out into the woods of Mashpee, pitched a tent, built a fire, and chilled around while some snow made the scene perfectly picturesque. It was a good test. The night time low that night was around 28. This is warm for Cape Cod in January, but hopefully not too far off what we can expect in Georgia in February. I managed to make the night outside with leggings and hiking shorts on, and just an undershirt and medium jacket on top, plus a hat and gater. All three of us slept on matching Thermarest Z-Lite pads with our mummy bags. I had brought a fleece liner just in case, but managed the night just fine in only my Marmot Neverwinter 30. That morning we walked out of the woods and made a breakfast which couldn't be beat. I feel pretty set with my kit in that regard. I can't imagine February in Georgia will be markedly more cold than a New England now in a snow storm. When I start to put a final kit together we'll see if my weight can afford another layer.
The Scene of the Crime

The next big update as of present is that we are looking into train tickets. Sometime in the week after Valentine's day we will ride the Amtrak from Providence to Gainesville. From there there is allegedly a shuttle man that will take us to Amicacola Falls State Park where we will set out. I think I might call him this afternoon to figure out how he operates. Our first day on the trail could be an interesting one, depending on how the train works out. Hopefully we'll buy the train tickets in the next couple of days (I've been saying that for a couple of days now).

Anyways, there is probably more I could say but I think I'l save it for another update so I won't have to go another month. I'll be sure to post when we purchase the train tickets. Till then I can just say for sure, less than 1 month to go! Until next time, y'all.